Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Has Dawned at the Little House

Over the past few weeks at The Little House it has been very clear that Spring is upon us.

(Some photos courtesy of Mr. Z)

The tulip tree was the first to burst into a song of color.

The plum tree was covered in delicate white blooms.

Many of the dogwood trees around the house have died in the past few years.
When Momma told me that, it made me sad.
Growing up I loved all the bursts of white flowers that would pop up in the middle of woods that still looked like winter.
There are a few that are coming back.

The redbud tree is my favorite. The bright pink is a refreshing contrast.

I noticed something odd about the "fallen" buds from the tree. They didn't seem to be random.

Then a look closer, I saw the buds were moving.
Carried to be exact.

We call them town ants. I'm not sure that's what the rest of the world calls them.
They picked the blooms fresh off the furthest limbs, managed to get them down the trunk of the tree, and carry them all the way to their home.

Now that is a work ethic.


  1. There was an article in National Geographic that showed birds decorating their nests with leaves and flower petals and CANS and glass, anything they could find so it would attract the female to them. It was so neat, but that is amazing. Never saw ANTS do anything like that. Helen (I don't know how to select profile!)
