Friday, September 24, 2010

Our Bedroom

This week over at Kelly's Korner Blog she is featuring master bedrooms.
(For us, that's the only bedroom)

Step right up! Come see the amazing shrinking bedroom! You won't believe your eyes!

Ok, maybe it's not actually shrinking, but a 648 square foot 1 bedroom apartment can be tight.
We have gotten really good at hiding and stuffing stuff.

The quilt was a gift from Aunt N for our wedding. It has a zebra print trim!! I just love her!

This is where I get ready every day.

I was going to spare you a peak in the closet...but what kind of blogger would I be if did that?
You have been warned.

And I DO have skeleton in my closet...

(If it's your first time stopping by...I'm not a freak...well, not because of this. I'm in school to be a chiropractor.)

AHHH!!! I can't believe I'm putting this up! My Momma is gonna disown me!

OK, back to the rest of the bedroom.

Most of my school books...

And I will just leave you with this. Our scary corner.

Most of it stays hidden behind the door.
Most of it are boxes for packing and stuff we can go ahead and take home on our next trip. The rest is just stuff that really doesn't have a place. When any highfalutin people come over, we show them the room from the doorway, so they never see behind the door.

Linking up to:


  1. We have a scary corner, too. SCARY! Love your quilt!!! :)

  2. LOL! That is too funny!

    One blog led to another and I ended up here!
